Dr Samuel Illingworth, Post Doctoral Researcher

Sam's research is concerned with the remote sensing of trace and greenhouse gases using the Airborne Research Interferometer Evaluation System (ARIES) onboard the FAAM aircraft.

This type of remote sensing from an aircraft is the first of its kind.

Sam is very interested in public engagement, and as well as doing lots of outreach work with schools he helps run The Barometer - a podcast about interesting stuff from the world of atmospheric science and climate.

He is also concerned with the importance of effective communication by scientists, and runs a course at the University of Manchester, which teaches these skills using theatrical technique.

In his spare time Sam enjoys writing plays and short stories (some of which are available on his blog), and dreams of being the next C.P. Snow.

Useful links


Contact information

Email: Samuel.illingworth@manchester.ac.uk
Phone: Tel:+44(0)161 2754347