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Dr John Allen, Lead Investigator

Dr John Allen is a Senior Research Scientist and part-time Senior Lecturer in the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Portsmouth.

He is predominantly an observational physical oceanographer and has taken part in 35 research cruises around the world, leading six of them. One of his main research interests is the application of fluid dynamics to investigate the flow behaviour of the upper ocean on scales from 1-100km as inferred from temperature, salinity and flow velocity measurements.

Dr Allen has been at the forefront of research on upper-ocean physical properties and its impacts on biogeochemical processes for over a decade, and has led and managed projects funded by NERC, the EU and the MoD. He became a Fellow of the Challenger Society for Marine Science in 2004 and edits the Society’s monthly newsletter, Challenger Wave.

Dr Allen is a director of MyOcean Resources Ltd. ( and partner of VECTis Environmental Consultants Team LLP (

Contact information

Phone: 07801 350637